“Why Not Home? is a thoughtful look at complex issues. It’s down to earth style puts a human spin on the contentious topic of home birth. I hope that every expectant parent, as well as medical and nursing students see this film. There is something for everyone in this beautifully done film. “

— Robin Elise Weiss, PhD, MPH, LCCE and President of the Lamaze Board

On Demand

Why would doctors who attend birth in hospitals choose to have their own babies at home? What do they know about birth that others don't?



Educational License DVD


Join a growing list of colleges and universities who are sharing this powerful story with the next generation of nurses, physicians, midwives, anthropologists, and public health professionals. Rich with both data and story, the film is a great way to discuss the concepts of shared decision making, informed consent, patient autonomy, and evidence-based care. 

Colleges and Universities that are using Why Not Home? in their courses and libraries include:

  • Boston University

  • University of Washington

  • Samuel Merritt University

  • Brown University

  • Nizhoni Institute of Midwifery

  • Penn State

  • Yale University

  • University of California San Francisco

In accordance with copyright law, the educational DVD is licensed for unlimited use in one location such as a school, class, library or training program. Admission may not be charged. 
If you would like to host a public screening, e-mail info@whynothome.com or fill out the screening request form at www.whynothome.com/host-a-screening. We are currently booking both US and international screenings. For a complete listing of upcoming and previous screenings, visit www.whynothome.com/screenings

Non-Profit License DVD

For 501-c3s Or Community Childbirth Education

When you purchase a DVD licensed for Non-Profit or community use, you'll receive the 78 minute feature documentary, as well as 22 minutes of exclusive DVD extras. This license covers unlimited use in a single location for educational purposes only. Tickets may not be sold under this license type according to copyright law. For more information, see our Licensing FAQs. 

An excellent resource for childbirth education classes or community, doulas, midwives, and childbirth educators across the US and around the world are using this with clients and communities to raise awareness and empower birthing families.

Spanish and French subtitles as well as English SDH are available on the DVD.


Public Library License DVD

When you purchase a DVD licensed for public library use, you'll receive the 78 minute feature documentary, as well as 22 minutes of exclusive DVD extras. This license covers lending the DVD to library patrons and public performance rights for classroom or library use for non-paying audiences only. Tickets may not be sold under this license type according to copyright law. For more information, see our Licensing FAQs. 

Community members are requesting Why Not Home? at their local libraries! This documentary film is an excellent resource for the patrons of your library.

Spanish and French subtitles as well as English SDH are available on the DVD.


Personal Use DVD

Add "Why Not Home?" to your personal library or give as a gift to an expecting family. Spanish and French subtitles as well as English SDH are available on the DVD. It has a 78 minute running time with 22 minutes of exclusive DVD extras. This is for personal use only. If you are part of a business, non-profit, library or educational institution, please purchase the appropriate license here. See our licensing FAQs here


Single DVD


Bulk DVDs

10 DVDs for $49 

Host a Screening

Why Not Home? The Surprising Birth Choices of Doctors and Nurses is showing in communities across the country and around the world! Activists, midwives, birth centers, universities, hospitals and doula groups are bringing this film and the message of informed choices in birth to their community. Groups are small and large, in homes, schools, businesses, and theaters. You can join the movement and bring the film to your community too! 

Please fill out the form or e-mail us at info@whynothome.com. We look forward to hearing from you.